Aug 15, 2020
Match 1
Map(s): 2fort
Time: ~∞
Bots: ~6
Additional notes: Most bots that joined had names associated with 2fort (2fort is not safe, 2fort is closed, 2fort mandatory closure, 2fort patrol officer, 2fort closed due to COVID, 2fort closed, 2fort quarantine, 2fort lockdown enforcement ) exceptions to this are as follows:
1. please return home
2.Poohook Health Organisation
3. B0t
Multiple attempts to re-join, followed by a kick. when a 2fort bot was kicked, the chat displays a different message
E.G: 2fort is closed left the game (Thank you for wasting your time!)
In the killfeed, each 2fort bot had a square with a cross inside it in their name
some 2fort bots had (1) after their name.
Hypothesis: there might only be a few bots, constantly changing their name before re-joining, considering how many 2fort lockdown and quarantine related names there are